Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Uninstall​ IBM Sterling File Gateway (SFG) from IBM B2B Sterling Integrator (SI) Installation

Below process explains how to remove IBM Sterling File Gateway (SFG) from IBM B2B Sterling Integrator(SI) Installations. Please do not consider this as an official procedure, This is a just a WORK AROUND to remove SFG from SI.

1. Shutdown all Sterling Integrator nodes and perform below tasks on all nodes.

2. Go to installFolder/container/Applications - Remove filegateway exploded folder and filegateway.war.

3. Go to installFolder/noapp/deploy - Remove filegateway exploded folder and filegateway.war.

4. Go to installFolder/jar/ - Remove filegateway folder.

5. Go to installFolder/properties/ - Remove entries for FileGateway-ui.jar and filegateway.jar.

6. Run setupfiles.cmd/sh

7. Run deployer.cmd/sh

8. Bring up Sterling Integrator.

Note:​ Please note that above process will not clean database and it will leave few database tables related to SFG but they don't harm any of the SI processes. ​

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Excellent article on Ubuntu 12.10 tips and tricks

Install MESA Developer Studio on IBM B2B Sterling Integrator

To install MESA Developer Studio
​ on Eclipse (Europa) follow the below steps, Below screen shot shows the eclipse version details,

1. Open Eclipse.
2. Select a default workspace folder location. You can add additional workspace folder locations at anytime. The Package View in the lower left area of the MESA Developer Studio workspace displays a local explorer view of your project folders. This enables you to store files that you check out.
3. From the Eclipse Help menu,
Navigate to Software Updates > Find and install.
4. Select Search for new features to install.
5. Click Next.
​Now need to add new Remote Site so click on New Remote Site.
7. Complete the following information and click OK.
    1.  Name –
      ​Type a descriptive name for the application server.
    2.  URL –
      ​Type the IP address or name of your server. Format is
Note: In this case my base port was 17000.

Note: The WebDAVportnumber can be found in webdav.log under  <GIS_install_dir>\SterlingCommerce\SI\logs
Your new site will appear in the list of sites to include in the search.
8. Select the check-box to the left of the new site. Click Finish.
                The system verifies the selected site and displays the results. On the search results page, expand the update site node and select from the following plug-ins, according to your licenses:
    1.  MESA Developer Studio (For Custom Service)
    2. ​ ​
      Service SDK
    3.  Skin Editor
9. Click Next. Accept the terms of the license and click Next.
10. Click Finish.
11. Click Install All to accept the feature verification.
You must restart Eclipse for the changes to take affect.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

SQL Developer Installation on Ubuntu 12.10

1. Download SQL Developer from the followng URL,
2. Accept License Agreement
3. Other Platforms and Download the file. File name will be
4. unzip the file to your prefered location, Something like below,
   unzip /home/sirishg/Downloads/ -d /u02/app/
5. cd to /u02/app/sqldevloper
6. Need to add jdk directory in sqldeveloper.conf
7. cd to /u02/app/sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper/bin and edit qldeveloper.conf
8. gedit qldeveloper.conf and update SetJavaHome value to your java home directory location
   SetJavaHome /u02/app/ibm-java-i386-60
9. All done now just go to /u02/app/sqldeveloper and run

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

XPath Syntax if we have multiple Namespaces in ProcessData

Reading the XPath if we have multiple namespaces in ProcessData,


<RevealPanReply xmlns="">
            <payment:CreateTimestamp xmlns:payment="">2013-01-18T17:58:31.204Z</payment:CreateTimestamp>



MySQL Installation and Database creation on Ubuntu 12.10

1. Install mysql on Ubuntu 12.10. (Use apt-get install mysql-server)
2. Log on to mysql as a root user
     $ mysql -u root
     $ mysql -u root -p
       Enter password: ENTER ROOT PASSWORD
3. Create a Database for Sterling Integrator
     mysql> create database SI52;
            Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
4. Add User called sterling to SI52 Database
    mysql> grant usage on *.* to sterling@localhost identified by 'password';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    mysql>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SI52.* TO sterling@localhost IDENTIFIED BY password WITH GRANT OPTION;
5. Grant all priviliges to sterling user on SI52 database
   mysql> grant all privileges on amarokdb.* to amarokuser@localhost ;
   Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
6. Login as sterling user and check the database access to SI52
$ mysql -u sterling -p'password' SI52
    Your MySQL connection id is 12
    Server version: 5.0.38-Ubuntu_0ubuntu1-log Ubuntu 7.04 distribution
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.