Here are the some notes
out of many Start-up entrepreneurs interviews and from their failed stories...
- Every start-up savvy must read all the articles listed
- or Google it on hacker news.... Post
the product / idea here and get the early feed back and work on it.
- Try out and fail..
- Never work in isolation, Do frequent release of the
product have early user access and pay attention to users feedback. It's
okey to be crappy but fix the damn thing.
- Research the idea in targeted market segment.
- Getting priorities right..Logo is not important :)
Build and Ship.
- Write content and share with right audience and market
your self.
- Customer feedback is extremely important. Let them talk
and listen to them.
How do you turn your mind into the type that
startup ideas form in unconsciously?
(1) Learn a lot about things that matter, then
(2) work on problems that interest you
(3) with people you like and respect. The third part, incidentally, is how you get co-founders at the same time as the idea.
(4) Look for a Startup Mentor, You need one who can guide you in all aspects right from Decisions, Marketing and Customer handling etc..