If we need to uninstall a custom service in IBM B2B Sterling Integrator follow the blow steps. Please note you have to clean from File system and from database as well.
C:\Sirish\SterlingIntegrator\install\installed_data\Your Custom Service Name directory.
C:\Sirish\SterlingIntegrator\install\jar\ Your Custom Service Name directory.
C:\Sirish\SterlingIntegrator\install\properties\lang\en\Your Custom Service Name_en.properties
C:\Sirish\SterlingIntegrator\install\properties\services\Your Custom Service Name.xml
File System Cleanup
Database Cleanup
select * from service_def_guid where current_id = 461;
select * from service_def_parms where def_id = 461
select * from service_def where def_lookup_name like '%com.mypackage%';
Please check def_look_up name in service instance page under Development --> Services --> Installation/Setup
delete from service_def_guid where current_id = 461;
delete from service_def where def_id = 461;
delete from service_def_parms where def_id = 461;
Note: 461 is my CS unique Id in a database.
correct samy...